Monday, May 19, 2008

Breaking the news

Today was the first day in 3.5 months that I actually felt like eating a hamburger, ate one, and then felt fine afterwards. I'm not sure if this is a good thing because now I'll just want to eat unhealthy things. Before now I could only get myself to eat soup, fruit, and occasionally desserts, but now my world is opened to foods that I haven't eaten in what seems like forever. Casey is thrilled because now I'll start making food again.

I finally decided to tell people at work that I'm pregnant on Thursday. Now that I'm 14 weeks I feel a little better telling people. However, I've felt kind of awkward telling people because I don't want to just go up to someone and say, "guess what. I'm pregnant." I've been waiting for them to maybe notice and then say something. But girls are always complaining at work that people ask that if they're pregnant a lot when they're not so I think people will just think I'm getting fat. I've been trying to think of a way that wouldn't be awkward to tell them. If anyone has any ideas let me know.

1 comment:

Stewart Family said...

Telling people can be awkward. I remember we moved here when I was just pregnant with Emma, and I wanted to tell people so that they didn't think that I was fat :o) I would just try to randomly slip it into conversations. It takes a little longer though. You at least know the people at work, so if you probably tell one person "guess what..." they will spread the news :o) Good luck. And don't worry about people thinking you look fat, I still can't see the baby yet! You look awesome :o)