Monday, January 17, 2011

hello, again

Sorry I’ve been so lazy about blogging lately!  All I’ve felt like doing lately is eating Creamies, sleeping, and watching TLC.   I have loved it though because I have an excuse for doing all those things multiple times a day…

Because I’m pregnant! We are very excited.  I’m due the first of August, which will be an exciting but not convenient time for us because we could be in Seoul, S. Korea (that is for another post).  I am really excited to have a baby in the Summer this time.

Being pregnant the second time around has already been so much more relaxing and enjoyable than the first time. I know that my body knows how to make a baby and carry it full term so I feel like I can relax and enjoy being pregnant. I really do love being pregnant.

I got an ultrasound last week and when the picture came up on the screen of our baby waving its arms and legs around I got teary eyed.  It really is so amazing that a tiny baby is growing inside of me, and it’s even more amazing that everything knows how to grow and develop.  Our bodies really are perfect.  How can some people not believe in a higher being? 

We’ve tried to help Carly understand that her life is going to turned upside down this Summer, but of course she has no idea what’s coming.  When we’ve asked her if she wants to be a big sister she replies, “NO!” Oh well, too late now!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Break

I can’t believe that Christmas break is already over.   I cannot describe how great it was to get 2 and 1/2 weeks of Casey all to myself.  No homework, no work, nothing! We had a great time doing whatever we wanted, and spending a lot of time of both of our families. 

This year was the first year in 3 years that we didn’t fly somewhere during the break.  It was AWESOME!  I loved not having to stress about how Carly was going to sleep or travel. 

Here’s a short photo recap of our break.

I got to meet my nephew Bentley for the first time.  He is such a cutie.  I am officially baby hungry.


We spent Christmas Eve with my family this year.  All the kids dressed up and acted out the Nativity.  Carly was the Innkeeper.  She even got her lines down and said them at the right time, “No room!”



Little Thomas was dressed up as a Wise Man. 


On Christmas morning Carly got to open presents from both Grandmas and Grandpas and she was very surprised to see everything that Santa brought her. Carly even gave us a present this year, she slept in until 8:30 for two weeks straight!

DSC02950 DSC02954 

A few days after Christmas a blizzard hit Provo.  Casey shoveled snow for 3 hours straight. Carly had fun trying out her new snow pants that Santa brought her.



AND we got a Hatch family picture!


I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Here is our Christmas Card from this year.  I wanted to send it to everyone but we ran out of copies.

Christmas Card 001