It's crazy that our little Carly is already 2 weeks old. It has gone by way fast, but at the same time it seems like its been the longest 2 weeks of my life! I NEVER would have imagined that having a new baby would be such an emotional roller coaster. Every day brings a new challenge and a new worry. Although it's been by far the hardest 2 weeks of my life they have also been the best 2 weeks of my life. My mom kept telling me that things would seem a lot better once 2 weeks came around and she was right! I finally feel less like a zombie, my body feels semi-normal again, and I've mastered breastfeeding and diaper changes. Everyday Carly amazes me by how smart, sweet and alert she is. We are so blessed to have her in our lives!
Here are some recent pictures. My mom, dad and little brother came to visit and help out last Tuesday. They stayed until Saturday and it was great to have them here during Thanksgiving. It was so sad to say bye to them! I'm so grateful that we're going back to Utah for Christmas in 2 weeks!
Carly loves to spit up
My brother Jacob is already Carly's favorite uncle
My amazing mom

Carly wanted to eat when everything was finally ready to eat, and then she threw up all over me!