This is my last Friday in Wisconsin. Next Thursday is move-day. On Wednesday I started packing; I started with our pictures in our living room. I got teary-eyed as I took them down. I started thinking about all that has happened during our stay in Milwaukee. It’s sad to think I’m taking Carly away from her home and what she knows. I know that we’ll be living by family, but still I feel like we’re leaving family in Wisconsin. I decided to write down a few things that I love about Wisconsin, and some memories I have, for this post. Here they are:
- Aldi. I love Aldi. I especially love their plain bagels, spaghetti sauce and cheap produce.
- Being within 15 minutes of 3 Targets, and being less than 5 minutes away from one of those.
- Game nights with the Callisters
- Green Bay Packers mania
- Kringles
- Wisconsin accents. “do you want a 'beg’ for your milk?”
- The memory of Casey being hit on by a large black woman at the Quik Pantry on 99th and Brown Deer.
- Working at Educator’s Credit Union. That has hundreds of memories in itself. Like this, this, this, this, and this
- Beautiful Summers
- Lightning bugs
-My entire foot being pooped on by a cow at the WI State Fair. And I didn’t get the ‘don’t wear flip-flops to the Fair’ memo.
- While visiting in Utah, people asking me how living in Minnesota is going.
- Fleet Farm
- Sprecher Root Beer and Cream Soda
- Scrumptious milk and cheese.
- Butter in the shape of a lamb around Easter time.
- Being able to drive 15 minutes one way to go downtown, or 15 minutes the other way to be out in the country with cows and corn.
*And most of all, our Wisconsin Family:
Our BYU Kohl’s family at a going away party the Callister’s threw for us (more pics to come):
We will miss having the missionaries around, and being a part of the “missionary process.” We love all the Elders we’ve gotten to know. Here are Elders Wonnacott and Barker. Elder Barker has been in our ward for about 6 months (or longer). They would ask me to make them BBQ chicken pizza every time they would come over to eat, and I loved having them over because they would swoon over it. They told me that my BBQ chicken pizza is famous in the Wisconsin Milwaukee Mission. I don’t mean to brag or anything but my pizza is kind of a big deal.

My Primary kids (minus 2)
The Young Men and Young Women. Casey and I have both had a chance to get to know most of these kids. They are awesome.

Thank you for the memories Wisconsin!