Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Time to complain

Recently work and school have been on my mind constantly. I am finally almost finished with my History 202 class that has taken me since Christmas to do, and my UWM Aural Rehabilitation class is over in 3 weeks! It has been the easiest class in my life. I just go sit there for 3 hours turn in an assignment during the week that probably takes me an hour to do and call it good. It has been a really fun class though. I really like the teacher and the material is really interesting. I've loved it, but I am getting so anxious for graduation.

Now to the complain part. My work is CRAZY. Everything has been going on lately. The last two weeks my supervisor has had multiple people claim he has sexually harassed them (which he has), and instead of firing the supervisor the people who brought up the harassment got fired. I haven't had any problems with the supervisor so I can't complain, but it seems like everyone else I work with has problems with him and they're always talking about him behind his back and whispering. It is so annoying. I hate drama. I just like to go to work and forget about it when I leave.

I haven't had any problems with the people I work with until now. I really like most of the people I work with, and I usually work four hours a day so I don't get sick of work. However, on Friday a couple of girls asked me if I wanted to go to a strip club with them for one of the girl's 21st birthday. I told them no and explained. Then they asked me if one of the other girls could use my ID so she could get in because she's not 21 yet. I said no, and I thought they were kidding, but then they kept asking. I said no way. They think I'm a brat now, but I honestly don't care. I'm just mad they asked to use my ID for strip club use. And people wonder why they have so many problems... I'm so happy I only have a couple of months left there until I graduate, then I'm gone.

1 comment:

Kari said...

I'm proud of you for not letting them use your ID! You go girl!!!