I had to be at work an hour early today for a wellness meeting. I was excited to go because I expected the meeting would consist of work out ideas and healthy recipes, but I was surprised to find out that all it consisted of was a chiropractor trying to build his clientèle. He gave us a sales pitch about how stressed we are because we can't stand on one foot with our eyes closed with our arms folded for twenty seconds, and how he'll be able to solve all our problems. At the end of the "wellness meeting" he had us write down our phone numbers and addresses on a questionare and had us set up absolutely free meeting times with him... I was tempted to put down a bogus phone number but I started feeling bad for the person who may get the call. Instead I didn't write down anything, and I just took off making sure "Dr. Mike" didn't see me. I think our management knew what was going to happen because none of them even showed up to the meeting.
To make things more interesting at work today a lady brought in $2,940.00 of burnt to a crisp money. She said she had been storing the money under her stove, but then the money accidentally caught on fire. My manager and I had to count all the bits and pieces of the money the best we could and put them in envelopes to send to the federal reserve. The lady was hoping she could exchange her money for new bills right on the spot. She was disappointed that the NCUA doesn't provide those types of services. I love my job.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yes, that is our little baby! I got this ultrasound three weeks ago, so hopefully our baby looks a little bigger now. I know it looks like a complete blur but after seeing the baby's heart beating and it moving around we felt so excited! Today we heard the heartbeat and it was so amazing. I know everyone says that, but it's so surreal when it's your own baby. I finally gave in last week and told my boss at work that I'm pregnant after I had missed three days of work in a row because I felt too sick to even get out of bed. I have been feeling better after taking my family's advice to not take my prenatal vitamin in the morning, but I still have some bad days where even looking at food makes me sick. We are so excited!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tagged: 10 reasons
10 Reasons Why I'm Lame
1. I am an extremely picky eater. I try everything at least once but if I don't like it after that I'm not going to eat it again. One specific food I am most picky about: Onions, they make me sick, I always take them off of food or ask for food without them.
2. I am very squeamish. I explained this in my post "Sometimes I Pass Out." It all started when I passed out in my high school anatomy class while watching an animated movie about bones breaking.
3. I still listen to the same music I did in Junior High. My favorite CD was Collective Soul: Dosage and it still is one of my favorites that I always listen to.
4. In Junior High my friend Ashton and I joked about sending an American Girl magazine to a scary goth girl in our P.E. class. She found out about it and said her posse would come and beat us up if we sent her anything. I got scared and told my mom who called a girl's mom in my ward that was apart of this girl's posse. I used to let my mom fight my fights for me.
5. I am so used to diet sodas that regular ones taste weird to me.
6. I used to get teary eyed during the commercials for cotton "the touch the feel of cotton, the fabric of our life"
7. I love the smell of chlorine. It takes me back to my lifeguarding days.
8. I am OC about washing my hands. I can't touch anything after I go shopping or come back from work until I wash my hands.
9. One day I unknowingly ate a prepackaged Asian food dish that had ants floating in the sauce. Out of my family I was the first to start eating until Kari told me she thought there were ants in it. I just thought the ants were chunks of pepper perhaps. I was traumatized once I took a closer look at my food and found the ants. Lesson learned: don't be the first to dig in.
10. I have spent way too much time on this!!!!!!!!!!
10 Reasons Why I Rock
1. I am actually kind of good at fixing things. I usually use make-shift tools. I fixed a door in our apartment with a pen cap. I also fixed some broken plastic stuff underneath our car that was scraping the road whenever we'd drive. I just duct taped it to something else underneath the car. It at least helped for a couple of days.
2. I am pretty good at making food. Especially cupcakes. It's all about the presentation.
3. I can always beat people at those grip tests because of my ripped wrist muscles from years of scooping ice cream at B.R. and Jamba.
4. I'm good at making people laugh. I love trying to come up with original funny things and getting Casey to laugh.
5. I am very good about being on time to places (when I'm in charge). I have never ever been late to a job. I enjoy being places early.
6. I just won the Prestigious Pickle Award at work!!!! (The pickle theme comes from a motivational movie about giving member the pickle) It really is prestigious because only one person every quarter wins it and you have to get nominated and voted for to win. Reason I won it: "Lindsey always seems to get the 'difficult' members. Although these members frequently yell at her for things she has no control over she always seems to stay positive and forget about it once that member leaves." Little does my manager know that I don't forget about these people. I got a pickle ornament and a certificate.
7. (For Kari) I can do an awesome mean baby voice- I had to find a way to get back at Kari's annoying baby voice so I came up with the mean baby voice who can take Kari's baby voice down!
8. I taught myself how to knit, and I've learned how to crochet pretty well. I love making little beanies for my newborn nieces and nephews. It gives me something to do if Casey wants to watch football, baseball, or basketball.
9. I am a good research paper writer. I actually enjoy writing them. In my ComD 438 (Hearing Tests and Measures) class at BYU we had to write a research paper that we were supposed to spend the whole semester working on. When we turned in our rough drafts a month and a half before the end of the semester my Professor told me he'd take my rough draft as the final paper and give me an A because it was so good :) Thanks Dr. McPherson and Meniere's Disease!
10. I have a really good memory. Don't think you can have me pick out a Christmas present and then I'll forget about it.
I tag whoever thinks this would be fun to do!
1. I am an extremely picky eater. I try everything at least once but if I don't like it after that I'm not going to eat it again. One specific food I am most picky about: Onions, they make me sick, I always take them off of food or ask for food without them.
2. I am very squeamish. I explained this in my post "Sometimes I Pass Out." It all started when I passed out in my high school anatomy class while watching an animated movie about bones breaking.
3. I still listen to the same music I did in Junior High. My favorite CD was Collective Soul: Dosage and it still is one of my favorites that I always listen to.
4. In Junior High my friend Ashton and I joked about sending an American Girl magazine to a scary goth girl in our P.E. class. She found out about it and said her posse would come and beat us up if we sent her anything. I got scared and told my mom who called a girl's mom in my ward that was apart of this girl's posse. I used to let my mom fight my fights for me.
5. I am so used to diet sodas that regular ones taste weird to me.
6. I used to get teary eyed during the commercials for cotton "the touch the feel of cotton, the fabric of our life"
7. I love the smell of chlorine. It takes me back to my lifeguarding days.
8. I am OC about washing my hands. I can't touch anything after I go shopping or come back from work until I wash my hands.
9. One day I unknowingly ate a prepackaged Asian food dish that had ants floating in the sauce. Out of my family I was the first to start eating until Kari told me she thought there were ants in it. I just thought the ants were chunks of pepper perhaps. I was traumatized once I took a closer look at my food and found the ants. Lesson learned: don't be the first to dig in.
10. I have spent way too much time on this!!!!!!!!!!
10 Reasons Why I Rock
1. I am actually kind of good at fixing things. I usually use make-shift tools. I fixed a door in our apartment with a pen cap. I also fixed some broken plastic stuff underneath our car that was scraping the road whenever we'd drive. I just duct taped it to something else underneath the car. It at least helped for a couple of days.
2. I am pretty good at making food. Especially cupcakes. It's all about the presentation.
3. I can always beat people at those grip tests because of my ripped wrist muscles from years of scooping ice cream at B.R. and Jamba.
4. I'm good at making people laugh. I love trying to come up with original funny things and getting Casey to laugh.
5. I am very good about being on time to places (when I'm in charge). I have never ever been late to a job. I enjoy being places early.
6. I just won the Prestigious Pickle Award at work!!!! (The pickle theme comes from a motivational movie about giving member the pickle) It really is prestigious because only one person every quarter wins it and you have to get nominated and voted for to win. Reason I won it: "Lindsey always seems to get the 'difficult' members. Although these members frequently yell at her for things she has no control over she always seems to stay positive and forget about it once that member leaves." Little does my manager know that I don't forget about these people. I got a pickle ornament and a certificate.
7. (For Kari) I can do an awesome mean baby voice- I had to find a way to get back at Kari's annoying baby voice so I came up with the mean baby voice who can take Kari's baby voice down!
8. I taught myself how to knit, and I've learned how to crochet pretty well. I love making little beanies for my newborn nieces and nephews. It gives me something to do if Casey wants to watch football, baseball, or basketball.
9. I am a good research paper writer. I actually enjoy writing them. In my ComD 438 (Hearing Tests and Measures) class at BYU we had to write a research paper that we were supposed to spend the whole semester working on. When we turned in our rough drafts a month and a half before the end of the semester my Professor told me he'd take my rough draft as the final paper and give me an A because it was so good :) Thanks Dr. McPherson and Meniere's Disease!
10. I have a really good memory. Don't think you can have me pick out a Christmas present and then I'll forget about it.
I tag whoever thinks this would be fun to do!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
When I grow up I want to be like Casey

Frozen beverage advice

Now what I can't sacrifice? Pancakes in the park Kiwanis Club style.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Time to complain
Recently work and school have been on my mind constantly. I am finally almost finished with my History 202 class that has taken me since Christmas to do, and my UWM Aural Rehabilitation class is over in 3 weeks! It has been the easiest class in my life. I just go sit there for 3 hours turn in an assignment during the week that probably takes me an hour to do and call it good. It has been a really fun class though. I really like the teacher and the material is really interesting. I've loved it, but I am getting so anxious for graduation.
Now to the complain part. My work is CRAZY. Everything has been going on lately. The last two weeks my supervisor has had multiple people claim he has sexually harassed them (which he has), and instead of firing the supervisor the people who brought up the harassment got fired. I haven't had any problems with the supervisor so I can't complain, but it seems like everyone else I work with has problems with him and they're always talking about him behind his back and whispering. It is so annoying. I hate drama. I just like to go to work and forget about it when I leave.
I haven't had any problems with the people I work with until now. I really like most of the people I work with, and I usually work four hours a day so I don't get sick of work. However, on Friday a couple of girls asked me if I wanted to go to a strip club with them for one of the girl's 21st birthday. I told them no and explained. Then they asked me if one of the other girls could use my ID so she could get in because she's not 21 yet. I said no, and I thought they were kidding, but then they kept asking. I said no way. They think I'm a brat now, but I honestly don't care. I'm just mad they asked to use my ID for strip club use. And people wonder why they have so many problems... I'm so happy I only have a couple of months left there until I graduate, then I'm gone.
Now to the complain part. My work is CRAZY. Everything has been going on lately. The last two weeks my supervisor has had multiple people claim he has sexually harassed them (which he has), and instead of firing the supervisor the people who brought up the harassment got fired. I haven't had any problems with the supervisor so I can't complain, but it seems like everyone else I work with has problems with him and they're always talking about him behind his back and whispering. It is so annoying. I hate drama. I just like to go to work and forget about it when I leave.
I haven't had any problems with the people I work with until now. I really like most of the people I work with, and I usually work four hours a day so I don't get sick of work. However, on Friday a couple of girls asked me if I wanted to go to a strip club with them for one of the girl's 21st birthday. I told them no and explained. Then they asked me if one of the other girls could use my ID so she could get in because she's not 21 yet. I said no, and I thought they were kidding, but then they kept asking. I said no way. They think I'm a brat now, but I honestly don't care. I'm just mad they asked to use my ID for strip club use. And people wonder why they have so many problems... I'm so happy I only have a couple of months left there until I graduate, then I'm gone.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Little me
I was going through my scrapbooks trying to finally put away wedding video pictures that I picked up at my parent's house at Christmas. I've been putting it off for a really long time because I knew it would take forever! I ended up just sitting on the couch looking at the pictures instead of putting them back. I thought I'd add a few classics of my life.
I loved elementary. My friends and I won a competition in 4th grade to decorate a Utah canvas that we would then send to the Children's Museum in NYC. It was supposed to be apart of all the state's paintings, but I'm still convinced they just threw it away once they got it.
The 5th grade world's fair. I initially wanted to do Japan but my teacher said there were already three people doing Japan so I had to choose another country. I then decided on Brazil because Brad (my brother-in-law) went there on his mission. You can tell from the picture how much I enjoyed it.
Freshman cheerleading. My friend Ashton and I were preparing to brave a cold, rainy football game so we got the hair dryer and warmed our pants up through the side pockets.
Prom! I went with my then "boyfriend" Sage Hale. His dad's 7-series BMW broke down on the way to dinner so we walked to another boy's house and took his mom's Suburban.

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Can we take a boat?
It looks like ATA jumped on the airline bankruptcy bandwagon. Today I was reading MSNBC at work and I was surprised to come upon an article that said "ATA goes bankrupt and fires all employees." I was hoping it was another one of those April Fools articles or something but I was sad to find out it wasn't. We bought our tickets to Hawaii a month ago and we were planning to fly on ATA for one of the legs (HNL to LAX) but not anymore. Now we're just hoping that we can get a refund and keep the rest of our flights at the price we bought them! Arg.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Lindsey Green's day off
Tuesdays are my days off. Mondays are bearable because I know the next day I'll be able to sleep in and spend the day doing whatever I want. However, because I am still technically in school Tuesdays are supposed to be my cram in the homework days. It is so hard for me to buckle down and do homework though. Independent Study lessons blow. Think about sitting in American Heritage in the JSB with 900 other students with the lights dimmed learning about supply and demand and you will think that is bad. Now think about sitting at home in front of the computer reading all day with one million distractions and no motivation, plus no one tells you when tests are coming up or papers are due. I'd much rather be sleeping in American Heritage, at least you know it will all be over at the end of the semester. Independent Study is ALWAYS there waiting to be finished, it never ends.
On a different topic, I am in dire need of a marshmallow shake. I haven't had one since we moved away from Utah. Iceberg in Provo/Orem has the BEST marshmallow shakes and I don't want to waste the calories on a gross shake from somewhere else so I haven't attempted to purchase one here in Wisconsin. You may think why a marshmallow shake? I have loved marshmallows ever since I was a little kiddo, and what could be better than soft serve and marshmallow creme combined? It's hard to come up with something huh.
On a different topic, I am in dire need of a marshmallow shake. I haven't had one since we moved away from Utah. Iceberg in Provo/Orem has the BEST marshmallow shakes and I don't want to waste the calories on a gross shake from somewhere else so I haven't attempted to purchase one here in Wisconsin. You may think why a marshmallow shake? I have loved marshmallows ever since I was a little kiddo, and what could be better than soft serve and marshmallow creme combined? It's hard to come up with something huh.

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