Friday, June 4, 2010

Things I love Fridays – Birthdays!

Since TOMORROW is my birthday, this morning I was reminiscing about some of my birthdays when I was young.  I remember how I would always get so excited to have a big outdoor party, usually a swimming party.  Every year my mom would make me a cut-out cake and I got to decide what it would be. I still get really excited for my birthday.  I love that it’s one day when I can feel extra special and not feel bad for being selfish!  I pulled out some old scrapbooks and loved looking at pictures of past birthdays.  For some reason I couldn’t get my scanner to scan my scrapbook pages so here are some milestone pictures of little me.


Me just minutes old.




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Bryant & Kathie Hatch said...

You were so darling and you still are! I love you. Happy Birthday!

Patten Family said...

Wow I see it! Carly's looks just like your baby pics. Crazy! PS: Her 18mo pics are amazing. Good job!

Yours, Mine, &, Crazy Daisy said...


Kristen said...

You were/are such a cute girl. I hope you had a great day!