Friday, February 5, 2010

Things I love Fridays – Magic Eraser


I’m not sure what’s in these things but they really do work like magic!  We’ve had a paint mark on the side of our TV for almost two years and after one swipe with a magic eraser it’s gone, totally gone.  Do you know how many times I’ve shamefully stared at that mark on the TV??? Practically everyday for two years. 

These work on just about anything: walls, appliances, tile, shoes, baseboards etc.  They will clean it right up.  


Rachel said...

I love those things too! We used a lot on the mysterious marks in our house right after we moved in, and poof, gone. Amazing. Mr. Clean strikes again!

vanessa said...

I love these too. They clean the bathtub WAY fast. And they're also great for washing walls, pretty much anything.