Thursday, June 4, 2009

Utah fun

We've been back from Utah for a week but we haven't had a workable computer until today so finally here are some Utah trip pics. We realized that we didn't take any pictures at the Green family reunion in Blanding. I will get some and post them later. We had an awesome time in Utah. It was so fun to spend four straight days with Casey's whole family and then spend time with my family too.

Carly was an awesome traveler besides the flight home. She kept tugging at her ears the whole trip but I thought nothing of it because she's been doing it for weeks and seemed fine. Also at her well-child checkup a couple weeks ago the doctor said her ears were perfectly fine. On the flight from SLC to Denver she cried for 30 minutes staight. She was even too upset to take a bottle. I was more worried about her than embarrased because she never acts like that. A couple days after we got home I took her to the doctor and low and behold she had an ear infection. Poor girl.

While in Provo, Carly and I hit up some of my local food favorites: Gandolfos, Cafe Rio, and Snowie. I would've hit up more places but after Cafe Rio my already fragile tummy could handle no more. I also made my way to Costco, Goldsmith (I try to get my ring cleaned whenever I go to Provo), and some other places with my familia. It was tons of fun! Thanks to Casey's and my family for being so kind to us while we were there. We loved it.

My dad loves Costco. Especially the tool aisle.
My mommy
Carly sitting like a big girl in the cart. She's a lot happier being able to see what's going on.

Carly met her new cousins Taylor and Thomas for the first time.
Carly got to play with all of Grandma and Grandpa's toys. It's crazy to think that I played with the same toys when I was her age!
Carly loved hanging out with her Uncle Jacob.
My awesome dad.
Jacob and mom at Gandolfos.

1 comment:

Bryant & Kathie Hatch said...

We loved having you come visit. We are glad everyone is finally well. We'll see you again in July. Yippee!