Friday, June 19, 2009

7 months old!

Carly is growing up faster than I can believe! She's becoming more and more independent by the day. She likes to play on her own and read books on her own now (sometimes upside down). We love her so much!
New things in Carly's life this month:
-likes to drink out of sippy cups
-likes cold baby food
-has said mama and dada (not purposefully yet...)
-is pretty close to crawling - she can scoot in circles on her tummy
-is 17 lbs 11oz


Kari said...

She's so cute! I'm excited to see her when I come visit, which will be end of August, September, or October. I will have to talk to you.

Jodee Luke said...

Man time really has flown by, I still vividly remember you saying you were pregnant!

Ruth said...

Adorable!! I love her big eyes!

Val said...

7 months? For real?! Where does the time go? She is so cute! I saw you got running stroller for your birhtday. How nice! Way to go Casey!