Friday, March 20, 2009

4 months old!

Time has flown by the past couple of months. I can't believe Carly is 4 months old. To celebrate we got her a high chair because she loves sitting up and being apart of what's going on. I love the high chair we got. It's so fancy. Carly couldn't stop staring at the pattern when we put her in it for the first time. Hopefully it isn't too distracting for her! I've been so excited to give her rice cereal - mostly to see her reaction. I've been waiting for the right time to do it, but I think we'll start tomorrow. I'll make sure to post some pictures!
Carly is still in the 95th percentile in height, but she has dropped to the 67th percentile in weight. She weighs 14 lbs 5 oz now. Her best improvement this past month has been her sleeping. She's been sleeping better and better each week. Last Tuesday she slept 10.5 hours straight (I kept waking up every hour to make sure she was alright). She usually wakes up just one time to eat in the 12 hours she sleeps. She's been sleeping in her crib since our trip to Utah, and we've all been loving it! It was a pretty easy transition for her and we haven't had to let her cry-it-out at all. She knows when it's time for bed and when I put her in her crib she settles down, pulls her silky blanket up next to her face and falls asleep. She's such a good mannered, happy baby - as long as she isn't tired!
I've been loving this stage that Carly is at right now. I especially love that she can now entertain herself! She loves playing in her exersaucer, and I love being able to get things done while she's playing. It's nice how easily she's entertained too... you can tell by the pictures that she loves staring at that toy on the high chair tray. I'm so excited to see all the fun new things this next month will bring!
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DeAnn said...

This is such a great age. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

family edge said...

How does Carly like her cereal? Emersyn isn't much of a fan. We may have to move on from the rice cereal.