Saturday, August 13, 2011


Our sweet Holland Estelle Green was born on Tuesday night (my due date) at 11:25.  She was 8 lbs 4 oz 19” long.  I wasn’t expecting to go into labor on my own and I was just waiting until I could get induced on Wednesday morning, but on Tuesday afternoon my water broke at 3:45.  I was so excited when it broke because I knew I wouldn’t have to be induced the next morning anymore!  My contractions started pretty quick after my water broke so we headed straight to the hospital.  I had to wait in a triage room for a couple of hours because they didn’t have any open rooms!  It was a crazy busy day to have a baby I guess. 

When a room finally opened up I was having even stronger contractions but I was still only 5 cm dilated.  I was pretty frustrated that I hadn’t progressed very much in those 2 hours.  I had to wait another hour to get an epidural because the anesthesiologist was way busy giving the other 20+ ladies epidurals.  Once I got the epidural I started getting really light headed and I almost passed out a few times because my blood pressure was so low.  So  I had to lay down on my side for the rest of the time.  At 10 p.m. the doctor checked me and I was only at 6 cm.  Then during the next hour I started feeling a lot of pressure from the contractions and the nurse checked me at 11 and I was ready to start pushing!  I pushed a couple of times and then Holland came right out. 

Holland has been such a good baby.  She is so sweet and doesn’t cry a lot.  Carly loves her most of the time.  I made the mistake of calling Holland sweetie while I changing her and Carly heard and said, “No mama I’m your sweetie!”  She got pretty mad and has been a lot more clingy to Casey instead of me.  Hopefully she’ll warm up more to me and Holland soon. 

I am so grateful for Casey he is an amazing birth coach!


My sister Brooke came along to be a part of the birth.  It was fun having her there to help and lighten the mood. 


They had flavored ice chips -you could add snow cone flavors to the ice!  They helped to keep me from passing out!











We were lucky to have a lot of people come visit us in the hospital:  The Bergeses, The Whiteleys, Our bishopric, The McNeils, and The Edgmons.








Rachel said...

So cute! I can't believe you're the mama of two!

Kari said...

Fun pictures! I hope Holland stays a happy baby for you.

kayla said...

Congratulations!! I love her name, so cute.

Tyler, Brooke, Britain, Braden and Beckham said...

Congrats! She's a doll! That has always been my favorite girl name and I've been waiting to use it but keep having boys! If I do get a girl then I promise I'm not copying you:) You are such a cute family!