Monday, September 27, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Carly decided last week that she wanted to start climbing out of her crib instead of sleeping. I prayed that day would never come but it did.  I had no idea what to do because I hadn’t really thought about moving her into a toddler bed yet.  So the next day after a crazy night of hearing Carly climb out of her crib and hearing her open her door we decided to convert her crib into a toddler bed.  That night (her first night in the toddler bed) I laid down with her in her bed for about an hour.  She was too excited about her new bed and she couldn’t sleep.  I just decided to say goodnight and hope that she didn’t decide to try to open the door.  She ended up crying in her room for about 10 minutes and then she was quiet.  Casey and I were so excited that she fell asleep but we had no idea if she made it to her bed or if she just fell asleep somewhere on the floor.  I knew I wouldn’t be able to go to sleep not knowing  if she was in her bed or not so I braved opening the door and she was asleep sprawled out ON HER BED!!!  When she woke up in the morning she went to her door and started knocking for us to come open the door and get her! 

Since then she has been a champ sleeping in her bed and has stayed in her room and fallen asleep in her toddler bed at nap time and bed time.  When she wakes up in the morning she just plays in her room until we go get her. I am so thankful that it has been an easy transition.  Where did my little baby go?



1 comment:

vanessa said...

I think Camryn has the same crib! I'm impressed that Carly climbed out because Cam's never done it. We converted hers to the toddler bed for a while but then she started sleeping badly so we turned it back into a crib so she could cry it out again. Sounds like Carly will do great. So cute. Miss you guys!