Saturday, November 28, 2009


We had an incredible Thanksgiving.  It was so fun to have so much of Casey’s family with us.  Casey’s parents along with his brother, Tyson, and Tyson’s wife, Jami, flew in from Utah.  Then Casey’s sister Tearsa, her husband Ben, and kids Cole and Elise drove up from Des Moines. 


I was a little worried about hosting Thanksgiving because I had never cooked a turkey before, but after a chat with chef extraordinaire I gained confidence in my turkey-cooking abilities and pulled off an awesome feast.  I brined the turkey overnight.  I had never heard of brining turkeys before, but now I will never cook a turkey without brining it first.  It made it taste amazing.

Here’s Casey posing with the turkey brining in the bucket, and yes that is a belt around the bucket.


Just about ready to go in the oven!


We had a monumental Thanksgiving dinner, all the kiddos napped the entire time!




Carly got so exhausted at the end of each day after playing with her cousin Cole and chasing him around the house.  She loved to cuddle up to GG and fall asleep. 


Casey’s dad, aka The Deal Master, with all of his Wisconsin treasures:


We had an awesome time.  Thank you everyone for making the trek to visit us!

1 comment:

kayla said...

Glad you guys had fun. We missed you in Utah