Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I’m sick and tired (of doctors’ offices)

Here’s my little rant on how most doctors’ offices lack patient service.  On Tuesday morning I woke up with a 100 degree fever, unable to breathe, and unable to talk.  I had Casey call the doctor to see if I could come in ASAP.  The receptionist quickly asked what my symptoms were and Casey told her to which she replied that I should “stay away”(her exact words) and chillax at home until I get better.  They don’t want me getting them sick right?  Casey asked for advice on what I should do then if the doctors office won’t even help me.  She said that I should stay at home and drink a lot of liquids. 

After a long day and night of feeling horrible I decided that I should probably find a new doctor, and find a new one I did.  Right when Casey came home from work I ventured out of the apartment for the first time in a long time, and went to the doctor.  This doctors’ office gave me a mask to wear which I thought made more sense than them telling me like the previous doctors’ office did that they couldn’t see me at all.  Turns out I have bronchitis and an ear infection.  I am so glad that I didn’t “stay-away” and wait until I got better because without an antibiotic and codeine that wouldn’t have been too pleasant.  Now I finally feel better.


Ruth said...

Wow! Doctors' offices seem so scared of getting H1N1 in there that they are being a little too cautious and turning away people that really need to be there- like you! Glad you're starting to feel better.

Rachel said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, Linds! I hope everything is alright.

Are you two coming home to Utah for Thanksgiving?

Val said...

Poor girl! That's ridiculous!! Even if you did have H1N1, the sooner you go in to have it treated the better. I wonder if that Dr know's his office staff is telling people that.

Kari said...

You should call the office back and complain!! Hope you get feeling better soon!

Patten Family said...

Stank...that really is lousy of them not to see you. I understand the mask thing as they thought you may have had H1N1...but I'm glad you don't! See you Sat!

vanessa said...

Glad you finally got taken care of! The Wellness Center really is nice for how cheap it is but it always takes forever when I get there. They spent a half hour cleaning the wax out of Avery's ear to determine if she had an ear infection last week. Ah! I did notice that they also have masks for you to wear there but it sounds like they're much too quick to diagnose you over the phone. I always ask to talk to a nurse so she can doublecheck things for me.

Bryant & Kathie Hatch said...

I'm glad you finally got in to the Dr. and you're getting better.

Megan said...

What a joke! I'm glad you got in and I hope you're feeling better!!