Our little Carly is 3 months old today! It's so crazy how much she has changed in the past month. I've been wanting to get an ice cream cake to celebrate (an excuse so Casey will let me spend the money) but little Carly has been too sick to take anywhere but the doctor the last two days. She's been so congested that it's been extremely hard for her to eat. When she does eat she swallows so much snot that it hurts her stomach and then she throws up a couple minutes later. I've tried everything to make it so she doesn't throw up including only letting her eat for a couple seconds and then waiting for a couple of minutes and starting over again but it hasn't worked! The doctor isn't too worried because she's been taking in enough liquids to go potty. She's at least been a little better today than yesterday and her fever has gone way down. It breaks my heart to see her hurt! Whenever she coughs she looks at me like what just happened?
The doctor told us to start giving her Pedialyte so we'll see if that helps with the throwing up/dehydration issues. The only problem with Pedialyte is that I bought unflavored thinking she wouldn't mind what it tasted like, right? Wrong. She spits that stuff out right when I start giving it to her, and then a dirty look usually follows. Now we have to try some flavored kind and see if that helps!
At the doctor yesterday Carly weighed 13 lbs 6 oz! She's gained a pound and a half in a month. This past month Carly has been a lot more interactive with us and with toys. She always has to be holding a toy now. She goos and coos all the time and even laughs and gives us weird looks when we make funny faces at her. She's been sleeping really well (before she got sick) and will even go to sleep at 8 p.m. now, but the only problem is that she likes to wake up for the day at 5:30. I love how she's a lot more consistent in her eating and sleeping patterns. We love our sweet baby so much!