I have been in Utah for almost a week now. It has gone by really fast! Casey is still in Milwaukee until next week. He was at scout camp all last week and he had a great time relaxing (kind of) in nature. He's a very dedicated Scoutmaster and never complains about how time-consuming or hard it is. He'll be an amazing dad!
My friend Ashton's wedding was great. I was so happy to be able to see her get married. I took a lot of pictures but I forgot my camera's USB cable so I'll post them when I get home. It was a lot of fun to see my friends that I haven't seen for a long time too.
Since I've been in Utah it's been so fun to be able to hang out with my sisters and their kids and my brother. My brother Jacob welcomed me home by putting a Hannah Montana cardboard stand-up in my bed. I went to go to sleep, turned on a lamp and all I could see was her face on my pillow. It freaked me out. My family loves to play pranks on me. When I was in high school my sister Kari put a real (but dead) lobster in my bed. I came home late and I didn't turn on the light in my room. I got in bed and after a while I could smell something. I looked over and saw antennas coming from something. I was so freaked out that it took me a while to jump out of bed.
Yesterday I finally got a snow cone at Ella Good. It was sooo good. I've also made my rounds to Cafe Rio and Jamba Juice. Now I can finally stop craving them so much hopefully. I'm sure I'll be back to all those places at least a couple more times. I'm really glad that I'm supposed to gain a pound a week or else I'd be really depressed!
My sisters Kari, Brooke and Kristen

My mom and nieces Ashley and Kelsey

My family when they went to Hawaii last month (without Casey, me, and Brooke's kids)
Left: Brad, Brooke, Kari, Aaron (with Ethan), Dad, Mom, Kristen, Craig (with Seth), and Jacob