Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday

Last week was crazy. Wednesday finally came and I went in for my esopagogastroduodendoscopy (EGD). Casey came with me and they took me to a hospital room where they told me everything that they were going to do, and asked for my medical history etc. After waiting for an iv to finish they took me into the surgery room. I only remember the first 5 minutes of the nurse talking to me and asking me questions and then she said "this may burn a little" and bam my arm burned and I was out. I only remember little snippets of the rest of the night. I would wake up and then fall back asleep.

Casey told me that when they wheeled me back into my hospital room I asked him about every 10 minutes if I had just come back in. Casey said that I kept saying I really felt like eating Olive Garden. I also kept telling him that the doctor had given me Demerol, and I had Demerol before when I hit my head on a pan... When Casey drove me home I kept telling him that I was way hungry so he picked me something up at Cousins, and I told him what I wanted and everything. I waited in the car as he picked something up at Pick N Save and when he came back I told him that I really felt like a Whopper (mind you I don't think i've ever had a whopper in my entire life). He then said "does Cousin's sound good?" I was like yeah, that does sound good. He told me that he already got me a sandwich and I asked what kind. He said Club, and I was like that's my favorite! thanks! (I don't remember any of this). Later I woke up on the couch when Casey was coming back from Cub Scouts. After that the sedatives finally wore off.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday and I'm pretty excited. I wouldn't say that i've ever been interested in politics but MSNBC is one of the only sites that isn't blocked at my work so I read a lot of political articles now. It's fun to read stuff about Mitt too. My mom sent me this funny email:
What is this?

It's a Hill-Billy
(Talk about being two-faced)


David and Jodee said...

Hooray for the blog! I was just telling David last night how we need to hang out more...not David and I but you,Casey,Dave and I-you get the point! Glad the surgery went well, I LOVE hearing funny stories of what people say. David had surgery in Utah and got REALLY mean and rude to the person in the bed next to him. I have a huge smile on my face just thinking about how funny it was. Talk to you later.

David and Jodee said...

Your pictures crack me up! I had no idea that you were on steroids!