Monday, April 11, 2011

What I’ve Been Doing…

  I go through different crafting cycles.  Sometimes I really feel like sewing, and that will last for a month or so, and other times I feel like crafting/painting/refinishing.  Lately I’ve really felt like sewing.  I didn’t sew at all before I had Carly – I didn’t even own a sewing machine.  I didn’t have any confidence in my sewing abilities so I never sewed.  But now if I see something that someone has (usually baby/kid stuff) that I think is cute I will probably try to make it on my own.  It gives me something to do plus it saves money (sometimes).

Here are my latest projects.

I made a bedskirt for Carly’s even bigger girl bed.  We are getting her a twin-sized bed this week.


Another project for Carly’s new bed: I found this headboard at Savers last week for $10!  They sell these at Walmart and Target for like $125! It was white originally, but had a lot of paint scratched off and scuff marks so I liquid sandpapered it and spray painted it ballet slipper pink.


For “baby sister” (Carly’s name for the baby in my belly): I made this car seat canopy. I didn’t have one of these for Carly because I swear they didn’t exist 2 years ago, and I wouldn’t have thought to make something like this anyway.  I am so excited to have one of these for our next baby!


I learned how to machine-smock with elastic thread a few months ago.  Since then I’ve been crazy making skirts people.  I’ve made four smocked skirts for myself in the past few months.  I figure they’re nice to wear in the bigger pregnancy stages. Here are my latest skirts that I’ve made for myself:

           DSC03028    DSC03043

And I made a skirt for Carly.

DSC03032   DSC03035

Now I need to find some new projects! 


Unknown said...

Love all of it!! Especially that head board! Nice score!

Did you follow a tutorial for those skirts? Those are so cute. I want to make one! (or 30)

Rachel said...

Awesome, Linds!

Rachel and Todd said...

You are a seamstress! And an amazing one at that.