Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We had a wonderful Easter weekend.  We hit up the Provo City Egg Hunt, spent a lot of time with our friends the Farrenkopfs from Wisconsin, and ate lots of food and candy!  This Easter was a lot of fun because Carly has been so excited for the Easter bunny to come and she understood what was going on.   We’ve had lessons about the true meaning of Easter and she even understood that we celebrate Jesus on Easter.  I can’t believe how old my little girl is getting.  She is getting so smart and sweet.  She makes sure she kisses “baby sister” (my belly) multiple times a day.  She also makes sure to let me know that I’m her best friend.  She says, “mommy is my best friend!”  I really can’t believe how lucky I am that I get to hang out with my best friend everyday!  She is such a sweetheart. 

At the Provo City Easter Egg Hunt:  It was madness there, and not worth the 4 tootsie rolls we got!

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Carly in her adorable Easter dress from Ann.  Carly had so much fun with Ann this past weekend!


Lately Carly has been obsessed with piggy banks and money.  So she got a piggy bank for Easter!


I got a huge Egg for Casey at Hobby Lobby.  It was so fun to see his face when he saw it!



Every year my mom hosts an egg hunt for the grandkids.  This is the first year we’ve been here to participate.  Carly LOVED it!  Doesn’t she look cute standing with her little girl cousins???


I thought this picture was funny.  All the guys are just talking about the yard.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

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