My parents and my little brother came to visit for the last few days. We went to Chicago for a day and hung out around Milwaukee the rest of the time. I love having family come to visit. It’s so much fun to have people around that can make me laugh better than anyone else. My family has the best senses of humor in the world!
Whenever my parents come to visit they always help me with projects. My parents seriously know how to fix everything, and they know the answers to all of my questions whether is be about our cars, food, babies, politics, money, pop culture, or ANYTHING!
Here’s a photo journal of our fun trip:
Day 1 – Chicago
We got on the Skokie Swift and headed into downtown. We stopped to see the coolest baseball stadium in the world:

Then we ate some of the best pizza in the world:
Chicago stuffed pizza is amazing. Sauce goes on top, toppings and cheese go in the middle, and thick deep-dish crust keeps it all together.
Next we hit Michigan Avenue aka The Magnificent Mile. We shopped, walked, and people-watched.
Finally we made it to The Willis Tower, formerly known as The Sears Tower. We took the speediest elevator I’ve ever been on up 103 floors to The Sky Deck. The views were breathtaking…

We even got to stand on “The Ledge” which was opened a couple months ago. You stand on a plexi glass floor, and you can look straight down. I thought it was very eerie. It was pretty hard for me to take that step onto it, and especially hard to look down. I’m glad I got to do it though!
My mom made it out on The Ledge, and even Carly was brave enough to stand on it :)
Carly was a trooper the whole time. It was a pain to take her stroller on the L train, but it was so nice to have my parents and my brother always there to help out. She was happy the entire day even without getting any naps. She loved all the stuff that was going on.
We all loved spending the day in Chicago. It was so nice and convenient to take the L train all around town. I feel like you never truly visit a city until you ride its public transportation, and ride it we did.
Day 2 – Holy Hill
After our long day in Chicago we relaxed on Saturday and then headed to Holy Hill in the afternoon. The leaves were beautiful. It was freezing cold so Carly and I didn’t make it all the way up in the tower. I didn’t take any pictures outside so here’s one that I found online:
Inside the church:

Day 3 – Sunday
We took a drive and my parents took family pictures of Carly, Casey and me. Then they had to leave last night.
Thanks mom, dad, and Jake for coming and visiting. We had so much fun having you guys around!