Friday, August 7, 2015

I can do hard things, I can do hard things, I can do hard things!

Mason is 6 weeks old today! We love this sweet little boy oh so much.  He is so relaxed and loves snuggling especially chest to chest. Mason has the sweetest little baby cry and can grunt like a crazy old man! Carly and Holland love their little brother so much.  Carly is a little more hands on than Casey and I want her to be. She is constantly trying to pick him up and rub his head and kiss him etc.  Holland has been my little momma helper. She is so sweet and helps me all day long by getting things for me and keeping me company.
Even though Mason has been the sweetest baby this past month has been tough for him (and us). Here's the long winded account:
The first couple of days after Mason and I came home from the hospital I noticed that Mason had a really rough time nursing.  It took about 5-10 minutes to get him latched on and once he was latched on I could tell he couldn't suck very well. My first thought was that he had a tongue tie, but I figured it was because he was a few days old and I didn't worry too much about it. Three days after we left the hospital we had a check up with Mason's doctor (Dr. Postma). Mason had dropped in weight from 8lbs 14oz from when we left the hospital to 8lbs 4oz in 3 days! I freaked out.  Dr. Postma wasn't too worried but we needed to bring him in the next week for a weight check. Dr. Postma also checked Mason's tongue and said he didn't have a tongue tie. During that week I nursed little Mason like crazy.  He didn't nurse long at all but I fed him whenever he whined at all. He was sleeping really well at nights (5-6 hour stretches) and I didn't really worry about needing to wake him up to eat.  Mind you this is my 3rd child that I have breastfed. Carly and Holland both were back to their birth weight plus more at their 2 week appointment so I figured Mason would catch up quick like they did.
 At his two week appointment Mason weighed 8lbs 7oz.  He had only gained 3oz that week of me trying to feed him non stop! Again Dr. Postma wasn't too worried because Mason had a rough birth and he said he should gain a lot in the next two weeks. Fast forward to Mason's 4 week check up.  I was thinking he gained a lot of weight and I was feeling pretty good.  He weighed 8lbs 14oz.  I thought that was pretty good but Dr. Postma told me that Mason had fallen into the "failure to thrive" category. He had gone from being in the 80th percentile for weight to the 20th percentile. The Dr. showed me the dreaded growth chart and how Mason's weight was opposite of what it was supposed to be: a rapid decline down to off the chart territory. I was so worried. Dr. Postma said I had to feed him every three hours at night and then bottle supplement him 2oz of formula or pumped milk after each feeding. I also had to go out and buy an infant scale and weigh Mason before and after each feeding to track how much he'd been eating.  I didn't think that was too bad except Mason hadn't had a bottle ever... He didn't even really take a pacifier.
 I went home thinking it wouldn't be too bad until the first feeding after the appointment. I weighed him, nursed him, and weighed again.  He gained 1/2 oz. ONE HALF AN OUNCE! Mind you he was supposed to be taking in 3 oz every 3 hours. I panicked and immediately pulled out a bottle full of pumped milk and started trying to feed him hour later after forcing that bottle into his mouth he had only drank HALF AN OUNCE! I thought it must just be that bottle so I ran to Target and spent a small fortune on different types of bottles.  Next feeding I tried all those bottles and he wouldn't suck on any.  He would chew but not suck. I immediately contacted Mason's doctor and told him the weight and that Mason wouldn't take a bottle etc. He said to be patient and stop weighing Mason each feeding and just weigh him next week and let him know the weight. 2 days later (still no more progress bottle feeding him) I did a bad thing...I weighed Mason.  He hadn't gained anything since his appointment.  Cue panic attack. I immediately emailed his Dr. (It was Sunday) and wrote a crazy mom email to him asking him what was wrong and what I was supposed to do etc. He told me to meet with a lactation consultant and see what she says. It was at this point that I realized I hadn't even met with a lactation consultant.  At the hospital one came by but Mason was in constant care so she didn't watch me feed him.  I didn't worry too much about seeing one at the hospital because I assumed I was a breastfeeding pro.
 I made an appointment with an IBCLC for the next day.  At the appointment the IBCLC took one look at Mason's mouth and immediately said he had a tongue tie and she gave me a referral to a breastfeeding doctor on the east side of Cleveland that could help me.  While I was still in the room with the IBCLC I called this breastfeeding doctor (Dr. Witt) and made an appointment for Wednesday to see her.  I felt so relieved to know what was wrong and that I had a solution!
 Dr. Witt also took one look at Mason's mouth and said he definitely had a tongue tie and that was probably why he had issues eating.  She clipped it in office and I breastfed him right after.  He still had issues eating. He wouldn't latch on right and he still made clicking sounds while he was sucking.  I was beyond frustrated (and still am). Dr. Witt gave me all kinds of breastfeeding helps and tubes and syringes to help feed Mason.  I was overwhelmed. At this point I decided to give up on breastfeeding. I had already gotten mastitis in BOTH breasts over the past few weeks because he wasn't sucking well and now all I cared about was getting food into Mason so he could gain weight so the next day I tried bottle feeding all morning and he just couldn't latch onto the bottle.  He wouldn't suck on it longer than a few seconds so I changed my mind about breastfeeding :) After again talking to Mason's doctor and the breastfeeding doctor they both agree Mason needs to re learn how to eat with his "new" tongue.  They both also said that as he gains more weight he'll be able to suck better. The only thing they can diagnose Mason with is a "weak suck." They both told me to keep trying to breastfeed, pump and then get him to drink as much as possible out of a bottle.
 So for the past few weeks I've been a crazy person researching things online and trying to find a doctor who can help Mason. A few days ago I found out that Cleveland Clinic has an infant nutrition center in their children's hospital on the east side of Cleveland.  In this center Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Nutritionists, Gastroenterologist, and neurologists work together to diagnose and treat infant feeding issues!!!! Hallelujah! I immediately called my Dr. and got a referral and then called them and asked for the soonest available appointment. The receptionist said they were scheduling a month out.  I kept praying that I would be able to take Mason in sooner and after a few seconds of her looking for appointments she found an opening on Tuesday! So this Tuesday I get to take Mason into this awesome clinic and find out how I can get him to eat better! I'm so excited to be able to take Mason to people who can help him!
 I am so grateful for all our family and friends who have prayed and fasted for Mason.  We have felt peace and know everything will work out.  We feel so blessed and have so much to be grateful for! I'm so glad that while Mason has been super slow at gaining weight at least he IS gaining weight and staying hydrated. Last week Mason got back to his birth weight! That was a major milestone even though it took him 5 weeks!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh Lindsey! That's so stressful! I'm sorry. You are amazing to keep pushing forward and doing all that research. Virginia had eating and weight gain issues at first, too (we were back at the hospital every day for two weeks after bringing her home...she lost over a pound in her first three days of life - yikes!) and I know how overwhelming it can be. I'll be cheering for you from afar and sending good thoughts your way. Hope all goes well on Tuesday!