Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This year we took a road trip to visit Casey’s sister Tearsa and her family in Peoria, IL for Thanksgiving. The Sunday before Thanksgiving a tornado came through Tearsa’s city (Washington) and destroyed many homes. Her home was one of the only ones still standing, but still had a lot of damage and was unlivable. We still drove there to try and help clean up, and spend time with family and cousins.  We stayed in Tearsa’s friend’s house with Casey’s other sister Maryn and her family. It was so much much fun to hangout and let the kids all play.We ended up going to Golden Corral for Thanksgiving dinner and it was awesome. It was crazy busy but everyone could get what they wanted and we didn’t have to spend all day cooking and cleaning up! It was a lot of fun to see family and take a road trip.

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