This was our first Christmas not going back to Utah and I had mixed feelings about it. I was excited to spend Christmas in warm Dallas with my sister Kari , not having to spend all our vacation travelling back and forth from Provo to Centerville, and not having to spend $1600 to fly. However, there is just something about being at home on Christmas that makes Christmas special, and I missed Utah a lot this Christmas. I missed snow and mountains and being with all the family. We did have an awesome Christmas with Kari and family though. The weather was so nice. On Christmas it was SEVENTY degrees and sunny. We went to the park across the street from Kari’s house and played in the afternoon.
Holland woke up sick on Christmas. My kids are always sick on Christmas. Her nose was non-stop runny, and she had a horrible cough and a fever. I was so bummed because she wouldn’t be able to play with cousins and I was scared she would get Kari’s 4 month old baby, Asher, sick (and anyone else for that matter). She refused to take medicine so we resorted to mixing meds in with root beer (because we knew she’d down it all fast). The morning we left she started feeling better. Poor girl. On Christmas night she woke up about every 30 minutes delusional. She kept saying “Carly quit touching me” or “Carly bugging me", or just saying stuff we couldn’t understand. Poor girl!
With Holland’s sickness aside, all of us healthy ones had a great time. Carly had the time of her life playing with Ethan and Bentley.
The night before Christmas Eve we opened all our big presents at home that we couldn’t take with us to Texas:

So excited to open presents

Walking down the steps to open presents
Carly got a new bike!

Holland got a princess tent and ponies, but loved these tinkertoys.

New shoes, and clothes for Casey

I got a new blender and a lot of fun kitchen stuff

Christmas Eve in Dallas

Facetime with my family in Utah

Christmas Morning!

What fatherhood will do to you:

Sweet sister and baby Asher