Monday, August 13, 2012

Holland is 1!


1 MonthDSC03248

2 months

Holland2mo 001

3 months


4 months


5 months


6 months


7 months


9 months


11 months


1 year!



We had a little party for Holland with some friends and during the party I couldn’t see Holland anywhere and then I found her under the table playing with ice.


You are such a sweet, happy, chill, momma-loving baby. You are so chill that you haven’t wanted to crawl, stand-up or walk at all yet.  You bum scoot everywhere which is so cute and everyone has a good laugh at church when they see you scoot around.

You love to eat everything, which is so nice since Carly has never eaten anything!  Your favorite food is chicken nuggets, but you will eat anything! Whenever you see a can of soda you whine until someone will take pity on you and give you a sip. You also love to try to eat other people’s food at dinner time.

You gave up nursing about a month ago which made the weaning process so easy.  One day you didn’t want to nurse so I tried giving you a bottle and you downed it!  You wouldn’t ever take a bottle before then so I was shocked.  I still nursed you at night time for a few days and then you stopped then too.  I am glad that I have some freedom but I miss all that cuddle time I used to get.

You love your momma and not many other people.  You’ll let daddy hold you but rarely anyone else.

You adore Carly and  love when she’ll  play with you.  Carly is very sweet to you sometimes but most of the time she gets mad if you touch anything of hers.  I really hope you two will become friends sometime soon!

You have one of the loudest cries I have heard!  You usually bring out the loudest cries at night time, and you still don’t like sleeping very much.  You still wake up twice during the 12 hours you are in bed, and you’ll cry for a LONG time… Maybe you can show some pity on your poor family and just go back to sleep without crying, soon please :) When we get you out of bed in the morning you hurry to grab everything in your crib (blanket, glow worm, pacifier) so you can bring them with you, its so cute!

You love bath time and whenever you hear the word “bath” you try to pull off your shirt, we have to be careful when we say it now.

We can already tell that you are going to be a social girl because you love waving and blowing kisses at everyone.  You love going shopping with momma because you can sit in the cart and wave at everyone and get lots of attention from people!

You are such a blessing to our family and we love you so much!  Happy first birthday! 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

She is so darling! I love that she takes off her shirt when she hears the word "bath." She's going to be a heartbreaker, that one!