Monday, October 10, 2011

2 months!

Holland2mo 001

Holland2mo 002

Holland2mo 003

Holland2mo 005

Holland is the sweetest, chill baby.  She just hangs out and goes with the flow.  She has been a great sleeper and goes to sleep almost every night at 9:30 and sleeps until 9 the next morning with 2-3 wake ups during those 12 hours.  She doesn’t like to be held when she’s trying to go to sleep. I just feed her and lay her down and she’ll fall asleep on her own.  She almost never falls asleep while she’s nursing. I had to hold Carly ALL the time when she was this age, but Holland would rather just hang out in her swing or bouncer by herself. 

She loves loves her pacifier, car seat, and “talking” to us - especially talking to Carly.  I’m taking her in for her checkup on Friday so I’ll post her stats then!

1 comment:

Patten Family said...

Funny about the holding thing - Shelby DID NOT want to be held every either! It was brutal because when we would put her in her crib, she'd scream. Eventually she figured it out. She is cute! Totally looks different than Carly, except, same ears;)