Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chicago & Milwaukee

Savage Services, Casey’s company that he has been interning with, had an annual conference in Chicago this year.  We were lucky because we got invited even though Casey is just an intern.  It was an all-expense paid vacation for Casey and me.   Ann graciously offered to watch Carly for us while we were at the conference so we brought Carly along and Ann drove down from Milwaukee to pick her up at the airport.  After our 3 days in Chicago we went to Milwaukee to visit friends and pick up Carly. 

The first night we were in Chicago Casey and I went to a Cubs game.  Casey’s company reserved out 3639 Wrigley Rooftop.  So we got to sit on some covered bleachers (it was rainy) and watch the game.  At Wrigley Rooftop there are 6 different floors where you can watch the game.  On each floor there were different food items.  Let’s just say Casey and I tried out everything on all those floors. 

On Thursday morning all Savage employees had meetings so Savage gave all the spouses money to go shopping.  That afternoon we went to The University of Chicago to do a service project.  We put together bikes and tricycles for kids.  Casey competed in a bike race but got pushed over at the beginning by a violent competitor.  That night we went to Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry, which is the 2nd most visited place in Chicago (we were repeatedly told that).  Savage reserved out the entire museum for the company so we got to see a lot, and eat a lot. 

On our last day in Chicago  I went to some meetings with Casey in the morning and then we got to go to a private showing of the Blue Man Group.  Casey and I got pulled aside before the show and they asked us if we wanted to be in the show.  Of course we said yes, but I was afraid of what they were going to do with us because they wouldn’t tell us.  They ended up pretending like we were late and shined lights and laughed at us.  It was pretty funny.   That night we had an awards banquet and ate some more really good food.  And got to be apart of Savage’s “ring ceremony.”

On Saturday morning we took the Amtrak to Milwaukee, rented a car and then went to the Farrenkopfs to pick up Carly.  I was missing Carly a lot, but I knew she was having the time of her life being spoiled by Ann.  It was so fun seeing Carly so excited to see me.  She wouldn’t let go of me for a while and kept saying, “I missed my mommy.”  That afternoon the Callisters had a little party for us with some Kohl’s friends.  That evening we had another party with more friends hosted by the Farrenkopfs.  It was so fun to be back in Milwaukee.  Not much had changed in the year we’d been gone and it’s so fun still knowing where everything is.  It was especially fun seeing all our friends.  We have missed them so much. 

On Sunday we went to church and then flew home.  Here are some pics from the trip, I forgot my camera so my sweet friend Stephanie took a lot of pictures of us, but I haven’t gotten them from her yet.  Most of these pictures are from my phone so they’re a little blurry.

Carly did awesome on the flights.  She was so excited to fly on an airplane. 

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At the Cubs game.

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View from out hotel room.  We stayed in the theater district at the Renaissance.

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While Casey and I were in Chicago Ann took Carly to the Zoo.  Karen went with them and brought Summer.  Carly had so much fun playing with Summer again!  (thanks Karen for the picture)


Casey in the bike race.  I was proud that he volunteered to do it in front of his entire company, and of course he didn’t care one bit.

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We did a cool project where we were divided into groups, given a part of a picture, drew the picture on a poster board and then all the pictures were put together.  It was pretty awesome.

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Our group’s part of the collage was the bottom right. There were four collages total of different pictures from the company. Casey actually drew most of our part of the collage.  Most people don’t know what a great artist Casey is (I’m totally serious)!

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Casey’s favorite part of the Museum of Science and Industry:

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Us with a Blue man,  he smelled kind of funky.2011-06-17 16.09.44

Our final dinner.  They had the ballroom decorated really cool.  It was fun.

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The awesome homemade ice cream spread out Kohls friends put together, and underneath all of our sweet Lake Michigan ward friends.






Thanks so much to our sweet friends The Callisters who let us invade their home and stay with them.  We love you guys!


And the Farrenkopfs, Carly had the time of her life staying with them!


Monday, June 6, 2011

I’m 25!

When I realized my birthday was on Sunday this year I was a little disappointed because usually I go shopping and out to eat on my birthday.  However, THIS year I had an entire weekend to celebrate!  Casey spoiled me rotten all weekend long.   I have the sweetest, most thoughtful hubby in the world!  On Friday night he took me out to dinner at Chilis. On Saturday  he made me breakfast, got me a Café Rio salad for lunch, and then took me to see The King’s Speech at night. 

Then on my actual birthday I woke up to a kitchen full of balloons, and a presents to open.  Casey gave me a present that I have been wanting for like 10 years… My very own COSTCO MEMBERSHIP!  I know I have a Sam’s membership but, let’s face it, Costco is nicer, and the stores have different stuff so you can’t have just one membership.  It will be the present that will keep giving.  He also gave me a certificate to get a pedicure. 

As I was talking on the phone to one of Casey’s sisters I slipped down some wet stairs outside and a nearby tree branch caught my fall and ate my arm up.  I am totally fine but my arm kills!  I always seem to injure myself pretty badly on or around my birthday (remember how I shut my arm in the oven door?)

On Sunday evening I had a dinner full of my favorite foods that Casey and my parents made for me: T-Bone steaks, Frog Eye Salad, grilled zucchini and crookneck squash, and baked potatoes.  Then 2/3 of my sisters and their families came over for Costco cake and homemade ice cream.  Casey even put together favors for everyone of some of my favorite things.  Then I opened some more presents. My parents got me an awesome food processor and cookie scoop (because when we eventually move out of parent’s house I won’t be able to live without both of those things).  My sisters got me a Target gift card and a cookbook.  And Casey’s parents gave me some money which I used to get a fancy new diaper bag. All my favorite things!

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Thank you everyone for making it an awesome birthday for me!