Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Casey accepted an internship!

Ever since school started in August Casey (and I) have been on the search for good internship. I’ve wanted somewhere where it wouldn’t be too inconvenient to have a baby and then move back to Utah right after and Casey has been looking for somewhere where he’d love to work. Casey has interviewed with a lot of companies.  It has been really hard deciding because he could potentially get a full-time offer with the company he interns with.  Anyway, It came down to some places and we had a really tough time deciding what to do because there were pros and cons to each place.  He ended up deciding on Savage in Salt Lake! Casey was very impressed with the management and their ethics.  I am very excited because Casey already loves the company, and because we don’t have to move this Summer!  I was up for anything before I got pregnant but now staying here sounds like the perfect plan.   We were so excited last Friday when he accepted that we got Seven Peaks season passes to celebrate! 

Side note: We find out what we’re having in 3 weeks!


Jodee Luke said...

That is really exciting...the Seven Peaks pass that is...just kidding! When I first read this I thought it said "Carly loves the company" and I thought that was really odd. It's clear now though! It would be fun to experience someplace new but it's oh so nice to just have a comfortable place that you already love. Congrats Greens!

heidi678 said...

What wonderful news for your family! Very exciting to see how everything is working out so perfectly for you guys. How is your second pregnancy going? Congrats guys!

Rachel said...

Congrats to you and Casey! That sounds great.

mildred said...

Congrats!!! I hope you move close to us :)

Rachel and Todd said...

That's so nice you can stay in UT!! And with a company he wants to be with. I'm excited to find out if you're having a boy or a girl soon.