We have been pretty busy here in the Green household – Casey especially. He, along with 3 other MBA students put on a case competition at BYU last week. Casey and I worked hard to get things ready for the event like get name tags, name tents, gift packages etc. Schools from all over the US came to participate as well as judges from all over the US and the world. Casey got to wine and dine with high-ups in the Social Entrepreneurship field. He got to talk business with the Marriotts and the Peerys. In May he gets to go to a third-world country (either in Africa or S. America) to create a basis for the case competition next year. It’s so fun to see how excited he gets about going to school. BYU has an amazing network of people that donate their time and $ to give MBA students tons of experience. Casey has been having the time of his life at MBA school. It has been such a great experience for both of us.
Casey has been interviewing at a lot of places for internships. Last Friday he interviewed with Savage and then flew out to Omaha to interview with Union Pacific. It’s been weird to see how our thoughts about companies have changed either for the better or worse. At the first of the year I thought I knew where we’d end up, but I have been wrong. He hasn’t accepted any job offers yet, but hopefully soon we’ll be able to narrow down our options. I am really excited to see where we end up and where we’ll have our baby!
Carly has been deep in her terrible twos. A few days ago she found White Out somewhere and as I was chasing her to get it away from here she opened it up painted her lips and threw the open bottle on the carpet. That took me 2 + hours to clean up. On the other hand, she is such a sweetheart and loves to give hugs and kisses to everyone. She used to be the nursery bully but has recently become the nursery sweetheart (thank goodness). She has moved on from Dora and now prefers Team Umizoomi and Blues Clues. She also loves to eat now. She got over her picky-eater phase and now eats what we eat. She especially loves to eat apples and bananas, and still loves milk. She has been an awesome sleeper and loves to sleep with her stuffed animals and all her blankies (she has 5 now, I made a few back-ups). She calls herself Lolly even though she can say Carly. We love our Lollypop!
My little brother Jacob has been at the MTC for the past 3 weeks and he leaves to Peru THIS Wednesday. It’s so fun to get letters from him and see how excited he is to conquer the world with the good news of the gospel. I’ve been writing his mission blog for him and putting up recent letters etc. The site is http://elderjacobbryanthatch.blogspot.com. I went with my parents to drop him off at the MTC. Now you actually drive up to the curb and drop your missionary off. It was seriously the weirdest experience of my life!!! I wrote about it on his blog if you want to read more. I couldn’t stop snapping pictures of him the day that he left. This is the last one I got of the both of us:

I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day today! Oh and did I mention that the high today is 60 degrees. It has been so warm here for the past week. I LOVE IT!