Friday, December 3, 2010

Things I love Fridays - “Homemade” popcorn


I love microwave popcorn.  I don’t love the butter lovers way greasy types but I do love the lightly salted and buttered ones.  In the past I would buy the light butter popcorn because it’s not  drenched in fake butter.  BUT a few months ago I was picking up some popcorn at the grocery store and I saw that a few brands had new homemade flavors.  I was curious what this homemade flavor would taste like so I bought some.  I tried it and now am a huge fan.  The homemade flavor actually has real, tasty butter in it.  It’s definitely not as buttery and fattening as the butter lovers/movie theater kinds but it has more butter than the light kinds, so it’s perfect in my opinion.  It’s really good and what’s even better is that I don’t feel like a chunk o’ lard after I eat it!

1 comment:

Patten Family said...

LOL. Oh girly...we have either got to get you a job or another baby. Who's got time for homemade popcorn! Lol.

We miss you. It snowed here today and would have been fun to send Carly sailin down the hill.

Oh - ARE you pregnant yet?