We’ve had a really busy past 2 months. We had visitors come to Cleveland, and then we packed up and moved to Memphis. I have been so tired, emotionally and physically and I finally feel like I can write about all the fun stuff we did during June and July!
In June we headed to Utah for a week for a Green family vacation. We spent a lot of time hanging out with family and eating good food.
Holland met Uncle Jacob for the first time (he’s getting married in less than 2 weeks!)

Ate Café Rio a few too many times, if that’s possible?

Went to Seven Peaks Salt Lake with cousins

Carly got to hang out with one of her favorite cousins of all, Lissy

Went on a fun scavenger hunt of Kaysville, Utah

Carly got to hang out with more favorite cousins, Sadie and Taylor

Ate ginormous shaved ice with Grandma Kathie (Carly was asleep)

Played the piano with Grandma Kathie (Carly was still asleep)

Got the girls’ pictures taken

And then daddy picked us up at the airport after the worst flight of my life. I won’t go into details, but Holland was overtired and wouldn’t sit in her stroller or go to sleep so she ran around the airport like a crazy child and then she screamed a lot on the plane. I vow to never fly without Casey again.
We’ll be out to Utah again in a week and half for Jacob’s wedding!
The week after we got back from Utah Ann and Katie came from Wisconsin to come visit!!! Ann is Carly’s “Wisconsin Grandma.” We hadn’t seen Ann and Katie for a really long time and they were so kind of drive from WI to Cleveland to come visit! We went shopping, went to the Zoo, saw the sites in Kirtland, and Ann and Katie took Carly and Holland shopping for fun clothes. Ann spoils our kids so much and they love her so much.
Carly was not happy in this picture because Ann and Katie were leaving :(

Holland’s favorite book that Ann and Katie brought.

A few days after Ann and Katie came my sister Brooke and her family drove out to Cleveland from Utah to visit us and keep me company while Casey was gone at scout camp. We went to the beach, did lame-o fireworks on the Fourth (apparently Ohio has one of the strictest firework laws in the US and you can only buy smoke bombs), went to Kirtland, did tons of shopping, ate lots of donuts, and played. Brooke and Brad and their fam were so kind to drive the 24 hours to come visit. We love having people come visit us and being able to show them around the area. Brooke and Brad were even awesome sports when on their drive home their car broke down and they ended up having to buy a new car to get home!

Then Casey came home from scout camp 2 days after Brooke and Brad left. It had felt like he’d been some forever and it was so good to see him!

Then we had our favorite elders, Elders Kay and Hyde over one last time before we moved.

Then 2 days later people came and packed up our stuff and we stayed with the Payne’s for a few days before we flew out to Memphis (see next post)!