Lately I've been looking through the ads looking for good deals on food. Before Christmas break I went to Sentry because there were some good deals there. After 5 minutes of shopping there I realized why I don't go there more often: People who shop there don't have grocery shopping etiquette. I know that Sentry isn't the only place who has offenders but Sentry is the only place that is filled with offenders.
Scene 1: I want to buy some fresh green beans, there is a lady standing in front of them touching every single one and picking them out one by one. After waiting for about a minute I decide to come back later.
Scene 2: I head over to the frozen foods because Lean Cuisines are on sale. There is an older couple there. The wife is going through each kind asking her husband if he likes it or doesn't like it. I decide to come back to that aisle later.
Scene 3: Next on the list is sweet and sour sauce so I stroll to the ethnic food aisle, which I think is probably my best bet of having the aisle to myself. I'm wrong. This time there is a lady with her cart parked horizontal so I can't get by. She's pretty old. If she were younger I would go up and push her cart out of the way, but instead I decide to go somewhere else in the store. Green beans again.
Scene 4: The green bean lady is still there, at least her produce bag is filled up a little more than before.
Scene 5: Me leaving with only half of my list in the cart, and a crying baby, vowing to never go to Sentry during the day again.
Although I feel bad that I can't shop happily with Sentry's average aged shopper of 75 years old, I still think that these people should know grocery shopping etiquette. Or maybe I'm the only one in the world who knows about it. Either way I'm staying away from Sentry from now on.